Keeping The Faith

They say I seek after an Africa that may never be found, but I seek it nonetheless. And though the finish line may seem beyond sight, I will run the run towards a better Africa. With the spirit of a Zulu, the grit of an Olulumo and the resolve of a Maasai, I run the race towards the unity faith, peace and progress that has eluded the land and the people of Africa since the birth of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.

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Friday, 29 May 2009

A Speech For Obama (January 20th, 2009)

Today we have become America. We have rowed our boats through the turbulent and trying seas of time, and with dreams and hopes we have paddled to the shores of America- the America built on the creeds of equal rights and justice. We have arrived at the America that existed in the dreams of Martin Luther king. America, the Land where our fathers died, the land of the pilgrim’s pride, the land where freedom now rings from every mountainside. Let us hold unto this America.

For 232 years we have searched for the land of the brave and the home of the free. And today we as Americans have shown our bravery by virtue of our choice, a choice that has made each and everyone of us free. 45 years we have dreamed. Our lips have ached to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual. But today with dancing feet and merry hearts we can sing of the sweet land of liberty: Not as Blacks, or as Asians, or as Hispanics or as Jews but as Americans, for we as a people have reached this landmark together.

Today we have a man of color as our president, a man who does not just represent the dream of the black community but the dream of every suppressed people or minorities; Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, and disabled. He represents our dream. He represents the American dream. And it is on this beacon of history that we have become true Americans. We have slept together, dreamed together and we have woken up together to a day break America, to live the dream together.

It has been a long sleep, but morning has come at last, good morning America. Now is the time to rise up from our beds, knowing that we are free and that we can live our dreams. The beauty of our diversity shall be our strength.

This unparalleled fit from a new generation of elected leadership where democracy has stood strong, in its true essence, where a candidate has been judged by the content of his character and quality, colour-blindedly and unconditionally, emphasizes our position as a model to every other nation. The achievement is yours America. You have made this outstanding progress and you will forever be on the lips of history for what has happened on this day, January the 20th 2009.

The gates of dreams have been thrown open, for every American; gay, straight, woman, man, able, disabled, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Jew and gentile to seek a dream.

Every rain drizzle from now on would feel like the joyful tears of our fore-fathers past, the joyful tears of those who were bonded, bought and sold, and the joyful tears of those who fought for their freedom; our heroes past.

The sun from now on will feel like God smiling down on us saying: Good morning America. We have woken up to this new dawn not just because our spirits have found home in its brightness, but because when it rains we will be soaked together, when it shines we will be warm together, because we have found that bond of community and because when our anthem is played, we shall become the essence of its music, for we have made history together. Together we have searched and found the riches of freedom, the equality of rights and the security of justice that we have lacked. Let us sing with gladdened hearts on this glorious morning for the wails of they stripped of self hood and robbed of dignity has been replaced by the songs of brotherliness, unity, victory and love, and the nightscapes have given way to daylight. Let us sing for a stone of hope has been hewed from our mountains of despair. Let us sing for it has been a long night sleep, but morning has come at last, good morning America!

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