Keeping The Faith

They say I seek after an Africa that may never be found, but I seek it nonetheless. And though the finish line may seem beyond sight, I will run the run towards a better Africa. With the spirit of a Zulu, the grit of an Olulumo and the resolve of a Maasai, I run the race towards the unity faith, peace and progress that has eluded the land and the people of Africa since the birth of slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism.

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Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Echos of Umofia

The priestess has abandoned the shrine
The gods have been bundled for sacrifice
The ancestors are trapped in the world of the spirits
Kola nuts no longer have the yam god salivate
The Iroko is no longer an Iroko
The Juju-mans stick is now burning fire-wood
The land no longer drinks the libations of her people
The Oja-flute is played, the Ekwe drum is beaten
and the ogene is sounded
But the spirits are no longer moved to dance the rain dance
Because the people of Umofia
have become people from Umofia.

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